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In simple terms published patents are an indicator of innovation and technological activities
Over time there is an expectation the number of published patents will increase
However, it is important to identify those inventions were file recently compared to those filed earlier
Distinguishing between these allows better understanding your competitor is pushing technology and innovation barriers or simply building on past innovations
Applicants who protect their innovations worldwide file patents in countries worldwide
There more countries the innovation is filed in is an indicator the applicant sees greater commercial potential
Knowing which countries are chosen and how this changes overtime is key for competitor analysis
Knowing if recent activity is based on new or past inventions is key for competitor analysis
Groups of patents - filed in multiple countries - claiming the same priority or priorities are known as patent families
Analysing patents by patent families more accurately highlights activity around new inventions rather than expansion worldwide - which is a better assessment of innovation
How many members of each patent family could be an indicator the applicant sees commercial potential in the original invention
The number of patents families, patents per family and how these change over time is key for competitive analysis
Granted patent show which patent families are gaining legal status, although are less informative compared to applications
Application patents provide a more current picture of technological activity
Monitoring the number of application patents compared to granted patents may be an indication the applicant is filing more inventions than they ever plan to pursue
Patent classifications are generally used by the patent examiners to search for prior art
However, they can be used to understand competitor patents by counting and determine the frequency and clustering of the patents under each of the CPC assigned to the patents
This clustering analysis provides technological insights of competitor products
Analysing changes over time may highlight shifts in product and technology development strategies